Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let it Begin...

Unfortunately, yesterday was a Wednesday, so that means I had scouts, etc. This of course means there was no time to begin any workouts, or get things moving in preparation of the January 23 showdown...or was there?

No, I did not log in any "true" exercise hours, but I did begin some preparations. First up, I wanted to see just how bad the weight situation was. Expectations were low, and I was really just hoping for something respectable. Fortunately, for me, it turned out alright. Back on December 14, 2008 (a day similar to yesterday in the fact that I had just gotten completely fed up with being lethargic and fat) I weighed in at 255.4 pounds. Yesterday evening, September 30, 2009 (a solid nine months plus since) I weighed in at 253.8 pounds.

Certainly not something I'm going to be proud about, but must admit was a bit of a boost to morale. It has been quite a year, with plenty of ups and downs (not only phsyically, but also emootionally, family, etc.) and to think that at this point in time I'm still coming out ahead, even though it is admittedly only just slightly, was nice to see. With this new found information I have set a goal to step to the starting line on January 23, 2010 weighing in at 230 or less.

The other thing I did was look up the Snow Canyon Half Marathon which I knew was sometime in November. It in fact is Nov. 7th, and is a mere 5 weeks away. Is that enough time to prepare? Not entirely sure, but will publicly state here that I hope to be able to run the event come the first Sat. in November. Just for everyone's reference as well, I ran that race back in 2006 or 2007 with a goal of finishing in 2 hours. I believe my finish time was 2:00:38 (it was definitely 2 hours and just under a minute), so that is another gauge I will use to try and measure where I currently stack up.

Now that I think about it, the circumstances were some what similar for that race which will be good. It was 2006, and was after I completed my first triathlon previously that June. I had raced in that tri after training for only 5 weeks, and so I wasn't in the best of shape. Even later in November for the half-marathon I still wasn't exactly trim, so it should be a decent comparison for beginning my training here and now.

Hope to be able to post some actual progress and workout information soon. Until then....lets be Lions!


  1. That's your plan??? I'm thinking about running a race in Nov to see how out of shape I am? I don't think your realize the freight train coming your way...

  2. Sorry to make a lame comment, but who is "Walken"?
