Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday...

My brother Benjamin turns 27 today (May 13), and though my family did a tribute for him on another blog I wanted to let him know just how awesome he is right here on the blog of Lions. Big Dog Ben Hog is truly one of a kind, and a Lion if I've ever seen one. He likes to think of himself as "Commander 2", but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Benjamin, as my present to you, I've posted everyday this week, so I hope you've enjoyed them. Thanks for bringing me back into the flow of posting, and I leave you with more of the great memories that we share; those of watching Lance Armstrong dominate the Tour de France. Music on this clip gets annoying, but couldn't resist the pure stare down he gives Ulrich before absolutely destorying him to pretty much seal the overall victory for himself in 2001. Lance is certainly an inspiration, and may this clip give you the power to dominate this weekend as well. Good luck as you set out to conquer your first triathlon, and may it be the first of many!

Happy Birthday Benjamin!


  1. A sweet tribute post and clip, Josh! You're right--the music is bad, but I tuned it out and thought about watching the stage with Benjamin live when it happened. Lots of great memories with Benjamin -- Happy Birthday!!!

  2. what an awesome brother you are! mother

  3. Righteous! Even though I got to it a little late, this is a terrific birthday present. Awesome posts, motivation and great things to ponder. Thanks as always
