Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Raw Beauty and Power

There is a place where Brasil, Paraguay and Argentina all connect in one spot; it is a junction where the Iguacu River joins the Parana River.  A short distance upstream from this international divide is one of nature's wonders...As Cataratas do Iguacu or as we know it in English, the Iguazu Falls.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing this natural phenomenon in person, and it is something that you really have to witness firsthand to truly appreciate it.  As you can see above it is easily one of the widest waterfalls in the world, but ranks first in the fact that it displaces over 12,000 cubic meters of water per second.  The sheer power of that much water flowing over the edge creates such a force that as you walk out on the bridge (you can see it in the lower righthand of the picture above) to look over what is known as the Devil's Throat, you literally could be knocked over if you're not careful.  It is a thing of beauty that was just recently recognized as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.

Another distinctive feature of the falls is the fact that there are many islands dotting the landscape, and depending on water levels Iguacu can actually spread to up to 300 individual falls in this one location. Because of this, Iguacu Falls loses out to the Victoria Falls in Southern Africa for largest singular curtain of water in the world, and it is on this specific distinction that I wish to comment today.

Pictured above is the Itaipu Dam, the largest Hydroelectric Dam in the world.  It begins at the foot of the falls, and extends down just upstream from the point of Argentina, Paraguay and Brasil coming together.  It produces 90% of all the power consumed in Paraguay, and 19% of what is consumed in all of Brasil (keep in mind that Brasil is a land mass slightly bigger than our own in the US.)  Itaipu is a pillar and example to all of what a focused concerted effort can produce.

We have been blessed with the same raw power and potential inherent in the Iguacu Falls.  Yes, it is beautiful to behold; however, when inspected closely the splintered results leave one imagining what might or could be if it was focused and harnessed into one massive flow.  The result can actually be witnessed in the Itaipu Dam, and shows each one of us what our potential can be should we choose to harness that power stirring within each of us; what we can achieve if we apply our minds and focus on a singular goal and purpose; and ultimately what we can become if we consistently implement that level of effort.

We are a beautiful creation, each one of us individually, which in and of itself is commendable and noteworthy; however, it is only in tapping into that power and potential that we truly become immortal as was quoted yesterday...not only enduring, but conquering and prevailing!  So, the choice is left for you to merely maintain status quo, allowing the distractions of the day to carry you to and fro through life aimlessly and without purpose...or will you find the strength to center your thoughts, actions and being into something more....what will you choose?!

Calling all Lions!


  1. I just discovered that you began posting here again this week. Not sure which post to add a comment too because they are all so inspiring. All I can say is bravo and that this lion will strive to live the lion standard consistently day after day. Living as a lion for a day is a wonderful place to start, and we can really discover our enduring power as individual humans by working daily on continuing to live as lions. Hear us roar!

  2. Thanks for the love and support...keep in mind that the Tortoise himself is a great source of inspiration for me! Appreciate the comment, and welcome your participation on the blog in the future.
